A Message from Andrea
Thank you for your kindness and support during this exceptional transition time. Fostering Success Program has been fortunate to connect with our students both in person and virtually this semester. At our first face to face FSP Family Dinner in 18 months, students rejoiced at the opportunity to have multiple conversations at the same time; this was something we weren’t able achieve during our pandemic family dinners when just one person could speak at a time on zoom. While our FSP students are always extremely grateful, there was a new level of appreciation gathering in person after such a long time.
Our FSP Family Dinners are an opportunity for FSP students to connect and build community. In addition, we sometimes invite a guest to share important information. For our October FSP Family Dinner, we met at Canino’s and connected with Maitri Jensen from the Department of Human Services. Students learned about funding and support opportunities for former foster youth. We also enjoyed a delicious meal together and shared in great conversations.
A Note From a Student
When applying to Colorado State University my senior year of high school, I was lost. As a first-generation student and independent student, I was unaware of what college would look like. Unlike most of my peers, I didn’t have a support network who had experienced the challenges college poses. After failing to meet registration deadlines and being unable to successfully meet financial aid requirements, I decided to take a gap year. My second time applying to Colorado State University I received an invitation to attend a meeting form the “Fostering Success Program”. When attending this meeting, I learned that the “Fostering Success Program” served as a community which offered independent students support to achieve success while at CSU. What interested me the most about FSP was that they offered to pair me with a peer mentor. My peer mentor would help me navigate through college and offer insight on what being an independent student meant.
Move in day came upon, I recall entering my dorm and seeing a care package which was delivered by CSU. One of the aspects FSP strives on, is their willingness to show people of how much they care. Care packages have been thoughtful ways of reminding students that they are not alone. I recall reading the notes included in the care packages and feeling seen. Having a peer mentor allowed me to connect with a student who not only had experienced college, yet, who also had a similar background.
While working as a peer mentor my second year in college, I have been able to learn more of what FSP is and what our goal is. The Fostering Success Program not only provides care packages to students with independent backgrounds, but we also support students in any way possible. While working as a peer mentor I have learned of many programs available for students at CSU. I am so thankful to be part of FSP, both as a formal mentee and now as a mentor. FSP has provided a sensation of inclusion. FSP has made me feel seen and understood. Whenever I am in doubt of how to move forward when I have no clue what to do, I no longer must make decisions based on trial and error. I have a support network willing to go out of their way to provide me information so that I can make an informed decision. I will forever be grateful for the role FSP has made in my life and to those who have allowed FSP to do the meaningful work they do.
FSP Leadership Fund
The Fostering Success Program is happy to announce our intentions of hiring a second full-time staff member in Spring 2022! Given the remarkable growth of our program and desire to offer a higher level of services, our plan is to utilize additional staff support to achieve more for independent students at CSU. We look forward offering additional one on one coaching assistance, with the goal of increasing
educational success through a holistic approach of fostering each student. If you would like to donate to the fund to increase staff to support students, navigate to Fostering Success Leadership Endowment at https://advancing.colostate.edu/FOSTERINGSUCCESS.