Early Performance Feedback

Early grade feedback provided for students in designated courses

Students enrolled in Early Performance Feedback courses receive notification of their progress within the first five weeks of the semester. This initiative is designed to provide students with timely feedback about their course progress so they can make informed decisions and improve their academic performance.

Spring 2025 Timeline for Instructors & Advisors:

February 5 – Columns added to Canvas

February 6 – EPF grade entry begins

February 13 – Deadline for EPF grade entry

February 20 – EPF information sent to Academic Advisors

February 24-28 – Advisors conduct EPF Outreach

March 27 – EPF grade entry begins for Mid-Semester Courses

April 3 – Deadline for EPF grade entry for Mid-Semester Courses

Purpose of Early Performance Feedback Initiative

The Early Performance Feedback program aims to:

  • Increase the level of feedback on academic performance for first-year students in specifically identified courses.
  • Powerfully communicate to students that early effort and performance matters.
  • Connect students proactively to relevant academic support resources.
  • Identify students early who may be encountering severe difficulties that require more intensive intervention.
  • Improve student performance in courses.

Early Performance Feedback Process

Within the first four weeks of the semester, instructors for Early Performance Feedback courses are asked to provide grade feedback for all students indicating if a student is “meeting course expectations (Y)” or “not yet meeting course expectations (N).” Students who receive one or more ā€œNā€ indicators are notified of their status via email, text, and RamWeb alerts . The messages refer students to their course instructor and includes resources for academic success. Early Performance Feedback information is also shared with Academic Advisors to conduct outreach to students.

More than 85 different courses across academic disciplines at CSU participate in the Early Performance Feedback initiative, including courses fulfilling AUCC requirements and courses with high D, F, W, U rates.

96% of first-year students are enrolled in an Early Performance Feedback course.

Information on Early Performance Feedback

93% of students who are meeting course expectations based on Early Performance Feedback earn a final passing grade in the course.

Early Performance Feedback Resources

Action Plans

Steps with resources and specific dates are helpful to stay on track

Early Performance Feedback Initiative Partners