What is the Academic Standing?
(Note that a student’s academic standing cannot lower due to grades in a summer term, but if a student improves to above a cumulative 2.0 during summer, they will start their next term in Good Standing.)
To graduate from CSU, you need a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. Only grades from CSU, including the main campus, CSU online and summer sessions, count for this GPA.
If your cumulative GPA drops below 2.0 at the end of a semester, you’ll be placed on Academic Watch at the beginning of the next semester. If a students’ GPA remains below 2.0 after the Academic Watch Term, they are placed in Academic Dismissal Warning.
Academic Standing Process Additional Info

Please watch this short video on Academic Standing:
After earning below a 2.0 cumulative GPA, students have two semesters to bring their GPA back to good standing levels. The first semester, the student is placed on Academic Watch. The second semester, the student is place on Academic Dismissal Warning. Click the buttons below for information on support available to students in the academic probation process.
When a student’s cumulative GPA drops below a 2.0, the following Fall or Spring semester will be their Academic Watch term. For example, if after grades are posted for Fall 2023, and a student’s cumulative GPA drops below 2.0, in Spring 2024 they will enter the Academic Watch process.
Academic Warning is for students on their second consecutive semester with a GPA below a 2.0. For example, if a student earns below a 2.0 cumulative GPA in Fall 2023, then Spring 2024 they will enter the Academic Watch process. If their cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 after Spring 2024, they will enter Academic Warning in Fall 2024.
This is important because at the end of an Academic Warning semester, if a student’s cumulative GPA remains below a 2.0 they will be dismissed from CSU.
Students may submit an academic dismissal appeal and be granted one additional semester in the academic standing process. For details on the dismissal appeal process, please click the link below. Appeals must be submitted by the Dismissal Appeal Deadline, which is posted to the Dismissal Appeal submission site: CSU Academic Dismissal Appeals (colostate.edu)
The Collegiate Success Coach in the Office of Academic Advocacy provides support to students facing academic challenges and navigating academic policies and processes at CSU. This support may include programming for students in the probation process and 1-1 success coaching for CSU students.
For any questions you may have regarding this process please contact the Collegiate Success Coach at DJ.Hightower@colostate.edu.