Department Coordinators

Department Coordinators may log in to the Early Performance web application to view participating course sections.

Department Coordinators are the individuals who communicate with the instructors in their department about when to input information into Canvas.

The list of Department Coordinators/Contacts is kept by the Collaborative for Student Achievement.

Early Performance Feedback (EPF) Department Coordinator Responsibilities:

The overall responsibility of the EPF Department Coordinator is to serve as a liaison between the department faculty/instructors in courses that are participating in EPF and the Collaborative for Student Achievement staff to implement the EPF initiative.

Given the large number of courses, sections, and instructors involved in EPF, the Collaborative for Student Achievement staff rely on the EPF Department Coordinators to serve as the primary point of contact for their department faculty/instructors in disseminating EPF information and in answering questions regarding the program.

Ultimately, having one primary point of contact within the department streamlines the communication process.    

Specific department coordinator responsibilities include:

  • Department Coordinator Meeting
    Attend a yearly one hour meeting with other EPF Department Coordinators to review assessment data, review upcoming timelines, and share future recommendations.
  • Department Course Participation
    Assist with the process of confirming courses/sections in each department that will participate in the implementation of the Early Performance Feedback Program (EPF) at the beginning of each semester. This includes verifying and following up with instructors as needed.
  • Departmental Communication
    Share information about EPF with faculty/instructors, including an overview of the initiative, overall timeline and deadline to submit performance feedback, instructions on how to submit feedback, description of the campus wide outreach, and assessment information. This also includes fielding questions faculty/instructors may have about the EPF program and communicating with the Student Achievement staff as needed.